Ballet with Sarah Kundi

Ballet with Sarah Kundi

Join Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, for this 8-part course recommended for those completely new to ballet or those returning to ballet after a break.

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Ballet with Sarah Kundi
  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 1 Beginner-Improver | Shortened Version

    This is important for balance, momentum and aesthetic in ballet.

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this class for beginner through to improver level dancers needing reminders of the basics.

  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 1

    Join Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, for this 8-part course recommended for those completely new to ballet or those returning to ballet after a break.

    What you'll learn
    • The five basic arms and feet positions in ballet
    • Finding and working on your turnout
    • Pliés in fir...

  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 2

    Progress in basic ballet technique with this beginner class that develops from battement tendu into battement glissé and glissade, and introduces petit battement sur le cou-de-pied.

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this 8-part course recommended for those completely ...

  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 3

    This beginner ballet class starts to use third position and introduces new steps: battement cloche, battement frappé and balancé, and adds in changements or jumps into your allegro.

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this 8-part course recommended for those completely ...

  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 4

    Incorporate fourth position in this beginner class before progressing into other new steps including developé and pas de bourrée.

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this 8-part course recommended for those completely new to ballet or those returning to ballet after a b...

  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 5

    Further develop your ballet technique with this class introducing circular port de bras, jeté, piqué de côté, soutenu, échappé sauté and assemblé.

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this 8-part course recommended for those completely new to ballet or those returning to...

  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 6

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this 8-part course recommended for those completely new to ballet or those returning to ballet after a break.

  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 7

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this 8-part course recommended for those completely new to ballet or those returning to ballet after a break.

  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 8

    Continue improving your ballet technique with this class at the barre and centre, incorporating enveloppé and back soutenu.

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this 8-part course recommended for those completely new to ballet or those returning to ballet after a break.

  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 1 (Beginner-Improver)

    This is important for balance, momentum and aesthetic in ballet.

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this class for beginner through to improver level dancers needing reminders of the basics.

    Oliver Hornby, former member of ENBYouthCo and current student of English Na...

  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 2 (Beginner-Improver)

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this class for beginner through to improver level dancers needing reminders of the basics.

    Oliver Hornby, former member of ENBYouthCo and current student of English National Ballet School, demonstrates with Matt Gregory on piano.

  • Ballet Vocab | Plié

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this series looking at ballet vocabulary or terminology, which is ideal for beginner dancers or those looking to refresh their knowledge and technique.

    Oliver Hornby, former member of ENBYouthCo and current student of English National...

  • Ballet Vocab | Rond de Jambe par terre

    It is the action of the foot drawing a D-shape on the floor while stabilising the hips and pelvis.

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this series looking at ballet vocabulary or terminology, which is ideal for beginner dancers or those looking to refresh their knowledg...

  • Ballet Vocab | Battement Tendu

    It utilises weight placement or transference and foot articulation.

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this series looking at ballet vocabulary or terminology, which is ideal for beginner dancers or those looking to refresh their knowledge and technique.

    Oliver Hornby...

  • Ballet Vocab | Battement Glissé

    It is a progression up from a battement tendu, but upon extension leaves the floor in a lighter glided way.

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this series looking at ballet vocabulary or terminology, which is ideal for beginner dancers or those looking to refresh their...

  • Ballet Vocab | Battement Fondu

    It is critical for preparing jumps on one leg and strengthening and stabilising the standing leg.

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this series looking at ballet vocabulary or terminology, which is ideal for beginner dancers or those looking to refresh their knowledge...

  • Ballet Vocab | Battement Frappé

    It is integral to prepare the lower legs for petit allegro and batterie, and the movement quality is similar to striking a match.

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this series looking at ballet vocabulary or terminology, which is ideal for beginner dancers or those l...

  • Ballet Vocab | Grand Battement

    It is fantastic to initiate any step in grand allegro.

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this series looking at ballet vocabulary or terminology, which is ideal for beginner dancers or those looking to refresh their knowledge and technique.

    Oliver Hornby, former mem...

  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 3 (Beginner-Improver)

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this class for beginner through to improver level dancers needing reminders of the basics.

    Oliver Hornby, former member of ENBYouthCo and current student of English National Ballet School, demonstrates with Matt Gregory on piano.

  • Ballet with Sarah Kundi | 4 (Beginner-Improver)

    Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this class for beginner through to improver level dancers needing reminders of the basics.

    Oliver Hornby, former member of ENBYouthCo and current student of English National Ballet School, demonstrates with Matt Gregory on piano.