Ballet Vocab | Battement Frappé
15 Minutes or Less
4m 56s
It is integral to prepare the lower legs for petit allegro and batterie, and the movement quality is similar to striking a match.
Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this series looking at ballet vocabulary or terminology, which is ideal for beginner dancers or those looking to refresh their knowledge and technique.
Oliver Hornby, former member of ENBYouthCo and current student of English National Ballet School, demonstrates with Matt Gregory on piano.
Up Next in 15 Minutes or Less
Ballet Vocab | Battement Fondu
It is critical for preparing jumps on one leg and strengthening and stabilising the standing leg.
Sarah Kundi, First Artist with English National Ballet, leads this series looking at ballet vocabulary or terminology, which is ideal for beginner dancers or those looking to refresh their knowledge...
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Lucy Lowndes continues this series looking at ballet vocabulary or terminology, which is ideal for beginner dancers or those looking to refresh their knowledge and technique. Ivy Aitken-Andrews demonstrates and Nathan Tinker ...