Step into Summer (August): Improver

Step into Summer (August): Improver

Part 3 of the Step into Summer challenge. This August playlist is designed for improvers with classes to help you: 1. Prepare 2. Learn 3. Dance

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Step into Summer (August): Improver
  • Ballet Warm-Ups: Turn-Out

    Warm-up before class with this session to activate your turn-out muscles, improving the rotation of your hip flexors and stabilising your pelvis.

    Crystal Costa, former First Soloist of English National Ballet, leads this 6-part series of short 10-minute exercises to wake up the muscles in specif...

  • Ballet with James Muller | Articulation & Batterie

    James Muller leads this class with Hannah Orman demonstrating and Chris Swithinbank on piano.

  • Ballet with Crystal Costa: Barre & Centre | 1 (Intermediate)

    Crystal Costa, former First Soloist of English National Ballet, leads this class. Artist of the Company Anna-Babette Winkler demonstrates with Chris Swithinbank on piano.

  • Ballet with Crystal Costa: Barre & Centre | 2 (Intermediate)

    Crystal Costa, former First Soloist of English National Ballet, leads this intermediate class. Artist of the Company Anna-Babette Winkler demonstrates with Chris Swithinbank on piano.

  • Technique Tips with Renato Paroni de Castro - Tendu Heel-Ball-Toe

    In this short class, English National Ballet repetiteur Renato Paroni de Castro goes through some helpful tips to refine your tendu technique, focusing on the heel-ball-toe combination.

    ENB YouthCo Dancer Albertine Engelstad demonstrates while Reina Okada is on the piano. The demonstrator gave p...

  • Cool Down

    James Muller leads this session. Hamish Longley, an Artist with English National Ballet, demonstrates with Chris Swithinbank on piano.